How many times have you seen a National Day celebration or other event when it's too late to celebrate them? Have you ever thought of amazing marketing ideas after it's too late to pull together the resource you need to go front and center with the idea? Stop regretting your posts and instead learn how to create a social media calendar to avoid that last-minute "what could have been" feeling.
But is all that work to create a social media calendar worth it?
It just requires a little investment of time initially and some maintenance each month. Here's everything you need to know how to create a social media calendar:
Now that you have ideas for your social media calendar, let's talk about how to create a social media calendar that makes it easy to implement.
Your content ideas will just be ideas if you don't house them somewhere. What you use depends on your budget and the platforms you post to. If you only post to Facebook and Instagram, the Meta Business Suite has a decent calendar.
If you post to a variety of places outside of Meta, you may want to consider a scheduling program like Hootsuite. If you just want a social media calendar to organize and you'll transfer it to a scheduler later, you can use Excel or a spreadsheet to keep it all straight.
Content Cory has a huge list of free social media content calendars so that you can find one that's perfect for your posting platform.
Social Media Calendar Components
If you're creating your own sheet, you'll want the following columns. Otherwise, most schedulers will have places for this information.
Once you know how to create a social media content calendar, the biggest challenge will be diligently filling that calendar and using it. Keep reminding yourself of the missed opportunities you bemoaned before hand and celebrating the success of your planned and calendared posts and you'll never go back.
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